Home:ALL Converter>How do I read application properties in Micronaut?

How do I read application properties in Micronaut?

Ask Time:2018-11-23T01:55:41         Author:Aditya T

Json Formatter

I integrated AWS SES API to my Micronaut Groovy application using guide send mail in micronaut and I am able send mails if I directly assign values to properties.

I want to make it config driven hence have been trying to find ways to achieve that.

I tried @Value annotation as mentioned in guide but was not able to make it work.

String keyId

Further digging into documentation revealed that Micronaut has its own annotation for injecting properties in variables.

String keyId

But nothing seems to work, my variables are still null.

What could be possibly wrong here ?

For reference, following is in my application.yml file

  keyid: "2weadasdwda"
  secretkeyid: "abcdesdasdsddddd"
  region: "us-east-1"

Author:Aditya T,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53436144/how-do-i-read-application-properties-in-micronaut
Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal :

You are using it incorrectly, you are injecting the literal value aws.secretkeyid, not the value of a variable.\n\nThe correct syntax is (Groovy):\n\n@Value('${aws.secretkeyid}')\nString keyId\n\n\nNotice that you must use single quotes to avoid Groovy to attempt interpolation\n\nJava:\n\n@Value(\"${aws.secretkeyid}\")\nString keyId;\n\n\nKotlin:\n\n@Value(\"\\${aws.secretkeyid}\")\nkeyId: String\n\n\nNotice that you must use a backslash to escape the dollar sign to avoid Kotlin string templates",